Yseulys Costes, CEO & Founder of 1000 mercis Group – CRM programmatic expert with more than 400 people employed worldwide listed in the stock exchange – welcomed the Beeleevers at her place in Palo Alto to exchange with them and give insights on data in the Silicon Valley. Here is a bribe of the “Internet Woman of the Year 2001” successful career.
Yseulys Costes, Journey Of A French Digital Marketer In The Silicon Valley
Topics: Success Story
From Basic Research To Commercial Business, Mikkel's Experience
There is a long way from being a basic science player to being a company offering a strong commercial product. Indeed, entrepreneurs who are deeply involved in advancing basic science are more and more likely to break down the wall between basic and applied science. Mikkel Skorkjær Kongsfelt (Denmark), Beeleever and CEO at Radisurf - PhD who has further commercial experience from running a small IT company - is one of these brilliant “researcher-businessman”.
Topics: Success Story
Pitch competitions aren't just about cash and credibility, they are an exciting experience and a clever way to meet investors with whom you couldn't rub elbows otherwise!
Sabrina Meksaoui, winner of a Startup Weekend Pitch contest knows it! She tells you about her own experience and gives you precious tips!
Topics: Success Story
Social Media: A Springboard For Starting A Fashion Brand
Linas Gudaitis-Rūkas, Beeleever & CEO at Rüke (Lithuania), a natural knitwear brand, shares his story from the moment when he met the founder & designer – his wife- to the creation of their company – a brand deeply rooted in a longstanding tradition- and their decisive sales strategy.
Topics: Success Story
Jeff's Nonprofit Start-up: A Story Of Social Committment
Jean-François Carré, Founder at EcoDreams, shares with his team the belief that each and everyone of us has the power, to get the best results and to change and develop his environment. In a time of unregulated profit search and overconsumption...they have chosen a totally different way : the thinking one, the way of sharing, the way of comon ambitions. This collective incubator gathers indie professionnals as well as passionates together, all equally optimistic, committed and creative… Together, they accompagny "hidden talents", artists who are able to brighten the artistic and cultural landscape, both on the substance and on the form.
Topics: Success Story