Thyda Sek Suon’s, Co-founder at the restaurant l’Atelier Sushi, in Siem Reap, Cambodia, tells us her story. Inspired by French, Cambodian and Japanese influences, she started her own business, alone, before meeting a business partner. Together they took it to the next level.
Topics: Beeleever, Set Up A Business, Cambodia, business partnership
Elected As World's Best Place To Do Business By The World Bank, Singapore Is An Excellent Hub For Business Creation
Singapore, often labelled as the Switzerland of Asia, has always been an attractive business destination with its pro-business environment, attractive taxation, labor availability at a reasonable cost, innovation in many sectors, and high quality of life.
Singapore has more than 5 million people, half of them foreigners with an increasing number of French - 13,000 at the last census (based on from self-declarations at the Consulate only, the actual figure is most likely higher). The French School of Singapore has 2,800 students this year, second only to London. These are undeniable signs of the vitality of the French community in Singapore, which has doubled in size in the past 7 years.
So how to start and run a business in this Switzerland of Asia? David Chambat, Beeleever & CEO of, shares his tips!
Topics: Set Up A Business, Doing Business, Singapore
What You Should Know About Doing Business In Canada
Canada (12th largest GDP in the world and home to 35 million people) stretches over 5,500 kilometers and 4 time zones. It is a federation of 13 semi-autonomous provinces and territories (local government, legislative assemblies and specific laws). The country is officially bilingual, though the majority of the population is Anglophone whereas Quebec is mostly Francophone. Canada has a 8,900 kilometer-long common border with the USA, its largest trading partner.
Topics: Set Up A Business, Doing Business, Business, Canada